
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Today was long.  I had school, followed by a super sushi lunch with my colleagues, followed by an afternoon of professional development.  Shortly after leaving the meeting, I headed to the gym for my 40-day results.  (Well, technically they were the 38-day results since our session goes until Friday, but who's counting?!)

I'm not going to tell you the specifics right now (you'll have to wait 'til they're "for sure" on Friday), but suffice it to say that I am very, very pleased.

And very, very tempted to continue the program.

I have some serious decision-making to do.

Boot camp/testing went really long today, so I had to speed home and take the fastest shower ever in order to make it semi-punctually to bowling.  While I had a major pounder hittin' me hard for all three games, bowling was, as always, a good time.

I headed home after finally reaching 100 on my last game (really, Emily?!  only 100?!), and I got straight to work on my LivingSocial projects.  I had three separate writings to do today due to a "promotion" I got within the company.

And then, just five minutes ago, I typed up my sub plans for tomorrow because...

...I'm doing something super, super, super amazing.

But, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that exciting news.  :)

Until then, please let me apologize for tonight's horribly boring, picture-less post.  This girl is w-i-p-e-d.  Ciao!

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