
Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Work Out

I dare you to watch this video and not laugh - a lot:

Cracks me up every time.  There's just something about LMFAO that I absolutely love.  I know: judge away.

I'm sincerely apologetic about the lack of blog posts this weekend (and I had been doing so well!), but it's been a busy one.  And, I'm going to apologize in advance for the super short post, but I am absolutely exhausted due to the aforementioned crazy weekend.

Here's a brief run-down:


  • Worked out at 4:15 p.m.
  • Canceled date with psycho
  • Went to dinner with BFF
  • Fell asleep - twice - during Samantha Who? (Side note: my sister got me season one for Christmas, and I am absolutely hooked.  This show is hilarious and really, really cute.  Watch it.)
  • Finally crashed for real at 9:30 p.m.
  • Worked out at 7:45 a.m.
  • Met a friend for coffee and breakfast at 9:30 (I had a misto and a breakfast sandwich: toasted ciabatta with provolone, turkey, avocado, and bacon)
  • Did chores around the house
  • Met another friend for coffee at 12:00 (I had another misto)
  • Did more chores around the house
  • Ate some oats in a jar around 3:00
  • Put on a trunk show at 6:00
  • Went to Bonefish with a friend and finally ate dinner at 9:45 p.m. (mahi-mahi with mango salsa, broccoli, and chickpeas - and one piece of Bang Bang Shrimp and a few drinks)
  • Rolled out of bed around 10:00
  • Went to my new favorite restaurant with BFF for brunch (I normally count Saturdays as my free day, but this week it was Sunday.  Yes, I drank yesterday, but I ate fairly healthfully.  Today was a different story: brunch was a mixture of mac and cheese, biscuits and gravy, and other less-than-healthy choices.)
  • Put on a trunk show at 2:30
  • Went to the grocery store
  • Had "family" dinner (goulash, sourdough bread, fruit salad, mini-cheesecake, cabernet)
  • Watched the SAG awards
  • Blogged
It was definitely a fun weekend, but I am absolutely wiped and cannot believe it's over already.  The week is going to start off really, really busy: tomorrow includes a 6 a.m. workout, an all-day training, errands, and Family Night (that I coordinate through my grant).  Tuesday looks fairly similar, except instead of Family Night, we have an event for incoming ninth-grade students.

I'm already worn out - and figuring out how to manage my workout and healthy eating regime through all of that is going to be quite the challenge.  Wish me luck!

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