
Sunday, January 15, 2012


The weekends lately have been flying by - like, ridiculously fast.  It's 11:00 on a Sunday night, and I feel like the weekend just started.  I absolutely love my job, but holy smokes: I am straight-up exhausted, and the weekends just don't seem to help!

Last night Mags and I met up with yet another potential.  It was disastrous, albeit not as horrifically mortifying as Monday night.  Thankfully, I had one of my besties to help me get through it.  And, we had a blast people-watching.  :)

I got home around midnight and crashed on my couch - and didn't wake up until I got some early morning texts from a friend.  The conversation lasted from around 3:15-4:00, and then I finally crashed for good and didn't wake up until 10:00 - by far the latest I've slept in weeks.  It felt amazing.

When I finally rolled out of bed, I made a delicious "Ultimate Power Breakfast" from the Abs Diet Cookbook:

This breakfast is unbelievably delicious and so ridiculously filling.  In fact, I - again - could not finish it in one sitting.  So I ate half for breakfast and half after my run.

And I also drank two cups of coffee sprinkled with Truvia - I ran out of milk so drank it nearly black.  And, it tasted good!

Note about this coffee mug: it's my favorite one.  I have tons of coffee cups, including one my BFF gave me for Christmas, one with Degas' Little Dancer (my favorite piece at the Joslyn), one with my school logo, one with cherries (one of my favorite images), etc.  However, this is by far my favorite and the one I use the most often.  Why, you may ask?  Because it's my mom's.  This is the mug I remember her drinking out of all the time when I was younger, so naturally when she was going to give it away, I took it.  :)

Note about my mom: she is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and I love her to pieces.  You're going to love her, too, when you check out her brand-new blog!  In the past several years, she has lost a ton of weight; taken up hardcore cycling, running, and swimming, all while battling various injuries and orthopedic surgeries; and has recently started the Abs Diet with me.  She's sure to write some really inspiring things and give you some great recipes.  After all, what's better than some good ol' mom-cooking?

After letting my breakfast digest and grading a few essays, my running buddy (hi, K!) came over, and we headed out on a run.  It was a gorgeous day outside, so I just wore my running tights, a tank covered with an athletic cover-up, and a headband.  And I was drenched in sweat by the end.  We ended up running 3.1 miles in 36 minutes.  The first mile was the fastest one I've done since the Grand Blue Mile last year, and I was wiped after it.  We ran the first two miles without walking and then took a quick break between the second and third.  After walking for about two minutes, we hit the road running again and finished out the full 5k before walking another 0.4 home.

It definitely wasn't our fastest run; however, it was only about the fifth run each of us has done since October when I ran the half and she ran the full.  We were cracking ourselves up about how we think three miles is tough now but we each ran crazy distances just a few months ago.  (And then we remember how we thought the shorter runs were tougher than the longer ones during our training - we're weird, I guess.)

This afternoon, I took a shower, attempted to grade a bit more, and took a nap.  Like I said, I've been so stinkin' exhausted.

And then, since it's Sunday, I headed to "family" dinner.  While we were missing BFF, the four of us still had a blast.  Eric made 24-hour brisket that was delicious; I was really nervous going into this meal because I am super picky with meat, but I thought the brisket was YUMMY.  Mike brought twice-baked potatoes, which I hadn't had in forever and absolutely inhaled.  Alicia made a delicious chick-pea salad, and I topped off the meal with some bread and chevre as well as a dark chocolate bar with almonds and sea salt.  We had quite the decadent meal while we chatted about anything and everything and played the "who will win the Golden Globe" game.

I'm finishing up a few more essays and another load of laundry before I hit the sack.  Unlike most of my friends, I have to head to work (and a dentist appointment and boot camp and a meeting) tomorrow.  So, I'll see you Monday night - after a jam-packed day!

Ciao, bellas!

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