
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pump, Pump, Pump It Up!

I'm not exactly sure yet what I consider this blog to be, other than a place for me to talk about myself.  :)  I want it to be considered largely healthy-living and fitness-oriented, so that's the direction I'm going to be taking it.

Starting tomorrow.

Don't worry: you'll still get my random babblings, such as the life playlist I treated y'all to a few months ago.

I'm planning on (hopefully) posting pictures of everything I eat, talking about my workouts, and maybe trying some different routines.  Guess what I'm not going to be doing, though?  Posting calorie counts.  That was way too much work; I'm too lazy for that.  And frankly, I don't think it's all that important as long as I'm eating a balanced diet.  So there.

I've recently started following a couple of blogs that discuss ways in which to incorporate strength-training into your routine, and I think that is the one thing I'm definitely lacking right now; I think the 12-miles could have gone better had I been strength training as well.

Here are a few of the sites I'm going to be referencing:

  • The Fitnessista - I love the variety of workout programs she mentions - and she's a fitness instructor!
  • Carrots 'n' Cake - I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this blog and how much I look to Tina for recipe and fitness advice; she is a strong supporter of Body Pump, and I could definitely make that happen at the gym
  • Eating Bird Food - Brittany did the 12-week Body for Life program, and I think it sounds manageable and results-driven
In addition, I'm considering just popping in Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred; that is a difficult workout, and I don't have to go to the gym to get it done...

Essentially, I am looking to strength train three times a week.  I would also like to incorporate at least one day of yoga, as I have completely let that part of my exercise regime go.  I miss it, and I think it would really help a lot of my tightness and what feels to be out-of-whack alignment.

I'm always this happy when I'm at the gym.
What is your favorite strength-training program?

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