
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Little R & R

After a twelve-mile run, an afternoon of errands, an evening of Half-Birthday Party shenanigans (they had a dunk tank, people: a dunk tank), and a one-mile walk home, today was a welcome rest day.

But, I don't know how to rest.

This was a few weeks ago, but still: does this look like a girl who likes to rest?!  Also, I thought it'd been too long without a sweaty picture.  You're welcome.
Does anyone else have this problem?  All I wish for is a day off, a day to do nothing, and when that day actually comes, I'm absolutely restless and feeling like a total waste of space if I do nothing.  The irony.

I did a pretty good job today, though.

I woke up around 8:00 or so.  I'm sure it would've been earlier since I went to bed about 10:00 (yep, that cool for the second weekend night in a row), but then I received some random text messages around the time of, oh, bar-close, and could not fall back asleep.  But that's okay: I had all day to DO. NOTHING.

Around 9:30 or so I whipped up a Breakfast of Champions:
What?!  It was whole grain!

I may or may not have eaten the whole box.

Okay: I did.  But then I wasn't hungry again until dinner, I swear!

My initial plan for the day was to go kayaking with a buddy, as he mentioned it last night at the Half-Birthday Party.  Unfortunately, kayak-rental places prefer you to call in advance, so that plan was thwarted.

So, I decided to read a little more of my book: Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin.

Source (author's website)

And instead of just reading part of the book, I finished the entire thing.  I really enjoyed it.  It's a story told from Alice Liddell's point-of-view.  Supposedly she was the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland, and the novel chronicles her life as a child, a young lady, and an elderly woman, centering on her relationship with Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll, and something that happened between them that changed the course of her life forever.  It was absolutely intriguing, so much so that I did further research and discovered that the book seems to be largely based on fact.

Anyway: read it.

I wanted to go on a bike ride today, but after seeing this

Please note: this was at 8:30 p.m.  Yes: it's still 89 degrees at 8:30 p.m.
and being talked out of a workout by Marathon BFF, I had yet another change of plans.  She and I instead headed to the beach around 4:30, stayed for a couple of hours, chowed down some Thai food, and mapped out our route for tomorrow morning.

See that temperature for "tomorrow"?  Yeah.  That's a high of 95 degrees, actual temperature.  Who knows what the heat index will be?!  Because we're a couple of smart cookies, we decided to head out at the crack of dawn to crank out 4.5 miles.  Wish us luck!

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