
Monday, April 18, 2011


I am going to be sore tomorrow.  But for a nice change, it won't be in my shins!  After school today (which was actually about 4:30), I headed to the gym for a good spin class followed by an abs/back class.  It's funny: even though I've only been "hardcore" running for a few weeks, I can already tell it's helped my endurance in other areas.  This was by far the best spin class I've ever done: I didn't half-ass it at all, I kept my RPMs and gears exactly where he told me to, and I pretty much kicked major butt.  I was very proud of myself.  After spinning I hit the abs/back class that I've neglected for several weeks.  The instructor is killer, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a six-pack by tomorrow.

It took every ounce of willpower to hit the gym today, though.  I don't know what it is about Sunday nights, but I cannot fall asleep for the life of me.  I lay in bed last night for probably two hours before I finally crashed.  SO FRUSTRATING.

After spending too much time at the Y, I headed to my new favorite store: Hy-Vee.  Wanna know why it's my new favorite?  Let me show you:

Oh yeah.  Bins of healthy stuff like quinoa, bulgur, and chia seeds.  I am ridiculously excited.

I went to Hy-Vee because I needed two things: rice vinegar and onion.  I need the rice vinegar to make this awesome recipe (the spring rolls, not the other ones), and I needed the onion to make white chili.  I was going to make the spring rolls last night but due to the lack of rice vinegar, decided on tonight; then I opted for tomorrow because I knew tonight was going to busy, and they are kind of time-consuming.  So...I decided on white chili.  I came home, sauteed up the garlic and onion, and went to add the beans and chilies.  Except...I didn't have ANY cans.  Ugh.  I improvised and came up with this:

I added a can of diced tomatoes to the onion and garlic, then chopped up some basil leaves, chicken, and artichokes.  Then I tossed it with some angel hair pasta.  It was pretty good, albeit quite onion-y and garlic-y!  I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with a completely random dinner, though!

Also, I discovered today that driving after a contact falls out is difficult.  And not safe.

Okay: now I'm off to compile a list of memoirs for a curriculum meeting tomorrow.  If you were me, what memoir would you be sure to include?


  1. I was going to ask where you worked out then I saw you said at the Y. I go to Aspen and have been considering a change but I got a great deal for any Aspen club a few years ago and haven't been able to give it up. But, every time I go there all the girls dolled up to WORK OUT drive me crazy. It's pretty ridiculous.
    Hope you're not too sore today.
    As for fav memoirs... I know a lot of people like Tuesdays with Morrie! I love The Diary of Anne Frank and Marley and Me :)

  2. If you ever want to try the Y, let me know, and you can be my "guest"! I did Farrell's for quite awhile but am so glad I switched - I LOVE it.
