
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Okay.  I suck at blogging.  How do I kick butt for a few weeks and then slack off completely for two months?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Here's a little bit of what I've been doing instead of writing:
  • Educating the youth of America - research papers are hard
  • Heading hOmaha to attend a wedding reception, meet up with new and old friends, and chillax with the 'rents
  • Reading lots o' books
  • Signing up to run a marathon - yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either - and practicing for it by carb-loading
  • Traveling to exotic places like Key West, where a lot of the following - in addition to eating tons of seafood and drinking quarts of pina coladas - took place:
I'm such a nerd - Orlando airport.
Practicing my pirate skills - and probably getting lice.
Trying to look smokin' hot and not super sweaty and gross.
The sunsets are ridic - it just melts into the ocean.  Beautiful.

But now I am back, ready and rarin' to kick butt in the working out and eating well.  I mean, I don't so much have a choice anymore: after all, I'm running a freakin' marathon in six months.


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