
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today was a snow day!

I'm very thankful it was because I woke up not feeling so well.  My throat was itchy and dry, and I was just way too groggy for having a full night of sleep.  As the day progressed, a hacking cough started accompanying the scratchy throat, which made my head throb with every hack.  And now - thanks to Mucinex DM - the cough has somewhat subsided, but a huge lump is growing in my throat.

I thought I had managed to avoid sickness this year.  Ugh.

I'm most likely going to work tomorrow - I have nothing done that needs to be, and being absent would be a lot more work than just toughing it out.  But, if I don't feel better by Friday, I'm definitely taking a sick day.  I know that strep, tonsilitis, and some sort of respiratory ickiness have been going around, and I'm crossing my fingers that mine is just a 24-hour bug.

The NyQuil I'm about to take should help - and will most likely make the rest of my paper-grading quite interesting.  :)

I'm not even going to get into details about eating today.  Suffice it to say that I failed...miserably.

I wasn't hungry for breakfast so didn't eat anything.  Then I went to lunch with my guy friend and his cousin - sushi, naturally.  I had a squid salad, two rolls, and about 12 glasses of water.  The guys are heading to Denver as we speak for my guy friend's fight - MMA, UFC, something along those lines.  It was a really nice lunch.

I came home, called my mama to whine, took a nap, and then sipped on two mugs of hot, hot tea.

Then BFF, another good friend of ours, and I headed to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.  I had a handful of chips and salsa, half an avocado tostada, half a vegetarian enchilada, and half a thing of fried ice cream - again, along with 25 glasses of water.  While it doesn't sound all that bad, just imagine for a second how much cheese and grease I most likely consumed.  Sickening.

Especially since the only working out I did was scrubbing my kitchen and floors.

Being sick sucks.

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