
Monday, November 1, 2010

Told You So!

Before I say anything else, I have to tell you how excited I am for tomorrow.  I'm not ecstatic because I get to vote; I am elated because these ads are going to be DONE!!!  Anyone else sick and tired of them?!  If so, please check out this ad from our local zoo.  It cracks me up.

Okay.  Now on to the real stuff.  :)

This morning I woke up (relatively) bright and early and noshed on some overnight pumpkin oats.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera at school, so you don't get a picture of them.  Use your imagination: 3/4 cup of pumpkin puree, 1/3 cup of oats, a sprinkling of cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice, and chilled overnight in the fridge.  They were delish and kept me full nearly all morning!

For lunch (again no picture), I had a Flatout wrap with Laughing Cow cheese and turkey and a peach Chobani.

After school I was absolutely famished; on "white" days I eat lunch at 10:45 a.m.  Of course I'm going to be starving by 3:30!  I ate two pieces of string cheese and a Larabar - and was stuffed.  :)  I then went to our PROUD meeting (I just love those kids!), went tanning (I also love Vitamin D!), went to the grocery store for some random pick-ups, and then came home and whipped up a new creation:

(You got a picture because it was on my phone, not my camera.  You're welcome.)  I was going to make shrimp quesadillas, but I wasn't so much in the mood.  So I took the shrimp and heated it with artichoke hearts, balsamic capers, sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic, dumped it over a serving of whole-grain linguine, and topped with some Feta cheese.  It was really, really, really good.  I'm already excited to eat it for lunch and dinner tomorrow.

And for dessert?  Meringues.  I'm not kidding: serious addiction going on.  But I had to have something sweet, especially this week (you know, girls), and if I eat a maximum of four per day, they're really not that bad.

Enough rationalization.  :)

Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day: school, study program, weight room (I'm going to do an arm workout because I have to do something), physical therapy (I called about my ankle - and am super nervous to go), and then trivia.  I will be pooped tomorrow - but will still blog!!!

Now: I still have about eight papers to grade before 9:00 tomorrow morning.  Should I do 'em now...or wake up early?  Decisions, decisions!

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