
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whining Permitted

I told you I'd be back on Sunday evening!  It has been quite the weekend, let me tell you.

Yesterday it started bright and early with my mom and sister for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure:

Sadly, this is the only photo I have, as I mistakenly left my camera in the car during the race.  I really wish I hadn't: there were so many amazing photo-ops that I missed!  Oh well - next year.

After the race we headed to the Machine Shed for breakfast, but it turns out they don't serve breakfast all day.  I was super bummed but settled for a turkey reuben.  I was starving after the race.  BUT, I had about two bites and then had to split - to play a soccer game!

Although I was absolutely pooped during the soccer game, it was fun as usual, and I can tell I have improved throughout the season.  However, about halfway through the fourth quarter, I got hurt.  I was trying to save a ball that was headed out of bounds; I ended up saving it, but I also ended up destroying my ankle.  I took my first-ever trip to the ER and discovered that I had a severe sprain.  Interestingly, the doctor told me that it'd be better if it were a fracture since the recovery time is a lot less.  Lovely.  Now I get to wear this awesome accessory:

I tried taking pictures to show you just how swollen and bruised it is, but for some reason it's not turning out well in photos.  Oh well.  You'll just have to trust me when I say that it. is. bad.

Furthermore, it puts a major damper on my workout plan.

So, to cope with that, I ate horrible food all weekend long.

And then I realized there will be no more of that since I will be sitting on my booty recovering for several weeks.  Ugh.

Tomorrow, I will be back to my usual posts: food details, calorie counts (that have been lacking lately, I know), and random babbling about my life.  Stay tuned.

To get you caught up on the Life of Emily as of late, though, here are some photos:

The PSA on the garbage trucks in Watertown, South Dakota.  (Twenty-six hours in the car is a long time, people: cut me some slack.)
My grandma and me at her 80th birthday party.
My brother, me, and my sister at our g-ma's 80th.
The 'rents at G-ma's 80th.
The ridiculous artwork that Council Bluffs has recently installed.
See y'all tomorrow!  Sleep tight!

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