
Sunday, September 19, 2010


I can't believe the weekend is over already.  Honestly.  I need another day.

Here was my Friday breakfast, eaten on the drab gray of my school desk.  I tell ya: chocolate peanut butter is to. die. for.

And here was my Friday lunch:

After work on Friday, I headed home and crashed on the couch for about an hour and a half.  However, that was all the beauty sleep I was going to get: I had plans to meet up with a co-worker's wife for a night o' fun!  We started off at Wellman's Rooftop in West Glen.  While I generally don't travel west of 42nd Street for nightlife adventures, I really like this bar.  Because we got there at 6:30, it wasn't douche-y at all; in fact, that didn't happen until about 11:00 or so.  And yes, we were still there - we were still there at 1:00.  It was kind of a late night, but it was oh-so-fun!  A-Dub and I were joined halfway through our evening by Ami, one of my new friends and teammates; he is really, really fun, and I'm glad I met him.  Also joining us later in the evening were some friends from a couple weekends ago.  It was such a nice, fun group!

However, I probably should've eaten more for dinner than the Taco Bell I had at 1:30 in the morning.

Let's just say that 7:00 Saturday came way too soon.  But, let's also say that playing an entire soccer game is a good cure for a hangover.  :)

After losing our game, I returned to Des Moines from Ames and proceeded to sleep away the afternoon. It was glorious.  Then BFF and I headed to Dos Rios, one of our favorite establishments, for dinner.  It was delish:

We always start off dinner with a half order of table-side guacamole, medium spiciness, chunky.  It is sooooo good, and it is served with deliciously spiced tortilla chips.  I forgot to take a picture of my dinner, but I had the vegetarian enchiladas, served with mango rice.  As you can imagine, it was amazing.  I was so full from the guac, though, that I could only eat half of one of the enchiladas!  Expect pics for lunch tomorrow!

A couple of Sangrias later (it was Sangria Saturday, after all), BFF and I went to the Lift, a nice martini bar, for my little sister's 22nd birthday.  It was very chill and a lot of fun, but because we're old, BFF and I left after one drink to go home and crash.  It had been a long day!

This morning, I woke up early and went with BFF (surprise surprise) downtown for breakfast before embarking on a photo hunt - I can't tell you about that quite yet...  Wait with baited breath until next weekend.  :)  Instead of our usual Waveland Cafe brunch, we opted for the classy Centro - and wow, was there a difference!

My meal was the friend egg sandwich with Centro fries.  Basically, I ate the two eggs, two slices of bacon, fried egg, half the ciabatta roll, the tomato, and the roasted potatoes and peppers.  It was unbelievable.  I also downed approximately 8,000 cups of coffee because it was so freakin' tasty - chocolate-y and cinnamon-y.  Wow.

BFF ordered the crab cake benedict with scrambled rather than poached eggs:

(She was also quite a snot-face and put her cutlery in front of the food for the picture.  What a B.)

After nearly two hours of wandering around in the drizzle and cold temperature, we went to Caribou to work on our project some more.  I was even able to be somewhat productive regarding work stuff, so that's a bonus.

Then - it was time for a date.  Yes, a date with someone new.  We went out for sushi (quite possibly my favorite food), and had a nice time.  It was a tad bit awkward, and I'm crossing my fingers it was just because he's shy.  After all, he's seemingly normal, nice, and cute.  Eh...

Okay, now it's time for a few last minute school things.  I need to skim some memoirs - written by males - to use in my classroom this week.  Anyone have any ideas?  Here are the books I have pulled so far:

  • The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
  • They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky - Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng, Benjamin Ajak
  • Always Running - Luis J. Rodriguez
  • Not So Funny When It Happened - Tim Cahill (editor)
  • Operation Homecoming - Andrew Carroll (editor)
  • The Circuit - Francisco Jimenez
  • A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
  • Another Bullshit Night in Suck City - Nick Flynn
  • Electroboy - Andy Behrman
  • A Million Little Pieces - James Frey
Unfortunately, y'all don't get "today's grand total" from the last three days.  After all, it was the weekend, and you all know what that means!  But, I do have a new Sunday Night Feature for y'all:

The Weekly Loss

Every Sunday night, instead of writing the total calories/fat/carbs/protein, I will note the number of pounds I've lost since the previous Sunday.  Hopefully it's always a negative, never a positive.  And please note, this is just starting this week, not the overall pounds lost.

The Weekly Loss: 1.4 pounds

G'night, y'all!


  1. I agree with Mom. Also, "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Last Lecture" - my kids loved those last year.
