
Sunday, August 29, 2010


I know.  One of my goals was to write everyday, and I have not written since Thursday.  And you're going to be even more disappointed in me when you hear about my weekend.  Get ready.  Brace yourselves.

Friday was our second day of school, and it went fairly well.  It was looooooong compared to Thursday, but it was good.  I have a great group of kids - or at least they're good actors for the first two days.  :)  I thought I'd take a couple of pics of my classroom to show y'all where I spend the majority of my time:

That is one white classroom!  I'm not going to spend a lot of time decorating, though, since I'm moving out in (hopefully) December.  Be sure to check out the cement floor; on Thursday, I had my smokin' hot teacher outfit - heels and everything - and quickly switched to flip-flop mode for half of Thursday and all of Friday.  My feet still hurt; I'm pretty sure it should be illegal to have to stand on cement for eight hours a day.  This is the first time I've had my desks in pods, and so far I love it.  I have the kids moving around all the time, so I think they like it, too.  And like a good teacher, I have my agenda on the board.  :)

Here is the other view of my classroom - the interesting view.  Please first note the stacks of boxes.  Again, I'm refusing to do much work here because I'll only be staying for a couple of months.  Second, please notice the pink foam insulation that is covering the door and the ginormous window into the band room.  It may have muted the noise a bit, but nothing is drastically different.  Third, look at my student teacher: she is so freakin' awesome.  I love her already.

On Friday after school, I was peer-pressured into going out with my colleagues; but I'm really glad I was!  It was such a wonderful wind-down with an amazing group of people.  I'm so thankful for my friends/coworkers: good peeps.  I did an awesome job and had two HUGE waters and two vodka tonics - in about four hours.  I had one slice of a chicken quesadilla because I ate lunch at 10:45!  And then I went home, cooked up some whole wheat spaghetti with an interesting sauce (consisting of whatever I could find in my cupboards), and cream.  Oops.  And then I crashed at 8:30...and slept for twelve hours!

On Saturday I woke up bright and early and ate a bowl of Cheerios: 

I have been absolutely obsessed with blueberries lately.  And even though they're a little pricey at the store right now, I'm gobbling them up like crazy.

After that nutritious meal, I hopped on my bike and pumped out my longest ride yet: 29 miles!  I did, however, stop for a couple of brew-skis halfway...  I think it was well-deserved, though!

A long ride home, a cold shower, and a quick power nap later, I met up with some friends to celebrate my BFF's birthday.  We first hit up Ingersoll Live, a fabulous street party in my neighborhood:

Ingersoll was blocked off from 28th to 29th Street, there was a huge stage with bands like Faculty Lounge, the Isiserettes performed, and there were several vendors selling beer (yes, I had two), food, and trinkets.  It was such a great time, and I saw so many familiar faces!  It was a toasty day, though; we were all "glistening" by the time we left, and this guy, as you can see, was wiped: 

Around 7:00, we headed downtown to a favorite restaurant, Dos Rios, for dinner and drinks.  OMG.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this place.

This was my dinner: shellfish molcajete.  I'm sure it wasn't the healthiest since there was an entire layer of melted cheese on top, but it was delicious.  Plus, it was for a special occasion, and I didn't eat the whole thing...  But, I did eat my share of table-side guacamole.  Oops.  And, it was Sangria Saturday.  Oops.

We went out downtown for awhile longer - and I had another half a beer - and we were home by midnight.  It was a great day with girlfriends and The Mojo.  :)

That brings us to today.  Finally.

I woke up around 8:30 again today, which is fairly early for me.  I had a lot on my agenda!  First, I had to clean my apartment and do random chores.  Then, I had to run to the grocery store.  Third, I had several things to get done for school this week.  And fourth, I had a fantasy football draft to host!

Again, the morning started with a heart-healthy bowl of Cheerios:

Because I was out of blueberries, I topped them with half a peach today.  Yum, yum, yum.

I did too many chores around the house, made too many lists of things that needed to get done, and then set out with my BFF for errand-running.  We had a near-incident with a flat tire, but thankfully that was quickly remedied in a humorous fix-it-yourself at the closest gas station.

When we finally arrived home, I took my first shower of the day (eww, I know), went tanning (dermatologist-recommended, I swear!), and ate a filling lunch:

Let me tell you just how delish those grapes were.  OMG.  I think I'll eat the rest for breakfast tomorrow.  :)  I ate this Flatout chicken wrap and hunk of grapes while creating a pre-test and other fun things for class tomorrow.

With mission accomplished, there was only one thing left to do: FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFT!  I set out for prepping right away.  My contribution:

YUMMY spring rolls.  Honestly.  To. Die. For.  I ate several of these half-sies and piled a few more in a Tupperware for school tomorrow.  Like sushi, I could eat these for every meal.

However, I also had to try what everyone else brought.  After all, I wouldn't want to look rude.  :)

This is just about as unhealthy as it looks, but it is soooooo good.  I had a spoonful of it with baked, multigrain chips - so that makes it okay, right?  :)  This is BFF's recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip, complete with the Midwesterners' favorite (ranch), blue cheese, and tons of other amazing ingredients.

BFF also whipped up some Southwestern Sliders - sauteed onions, chipotle mayonnaise, and sharp cheddar cheese really made these taste exceptionally awesome.  Of course I had one.

Here is the beautiful Texas salsa that BFF made on Tuesday - how pretty?!  And this one really IS healthy!

Along with samples of all of those appetizers, I also had quite a few veggies (sans veggie dip), peanut M&Ms, and half a Bud Light.

I'm telling you: weekends are hard.  I didn't necessarily go over the top on Friday, Saturday, or today, but I didn't do my best on any of those days either.  There are plenty of healthier substitutions I could have made each time I was tempted with the unhealthiness above, but I chose not to.  And I need to be better about that.  Oh well - tomorrow is another day.  And it will be another healthier day.  I promise.

But now the moment you've all been waiting for... Fantasy Football roster!  It was my first draft ever, and I was lucky enough to get first pick! goes:
  • QB: Tom Brady
  • RB: Chris Johnson
  • RB: LeSean McCoy
  • RB/WR: Ricky Williams
  • Bench: Jahvid Best
  • Bench: Fred Jackson
  • Bench: LaDainian Tomlinson
  • WR: Larry Fitzgerald
  • WR: Marques Colston
  • TE: Vernon Davis
  • Bench: Hakeem Nicks
  • Bench: Steve Breaston
  • Bench: Robert Meachem
  • Bench: Jake Allen
  • D/ST: 49ers
  • K: Rob Bironas
$100, here I come!

Until tomorrow...  Peace out :)

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