
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Booze Clues

No, the title is not another of my mishaps; rather, it is the name of my trivia team, the second-place team in Des Moines!  Tonight ended the month-long trivia competition, and we squeaked by over 20 other teams with a second-place victory.  September?  We'll get first.  :)

Today was an interesting day of emotions: I found out that my ex-boyfriend, the boy I was with in college, the boy I lived with after college, was engaged.  I am very truly happy for him - I really am.  However, my emotions did drop when I heard the news, and I'm not really sure why.  I'm not sad that it's her and not me - not at all.  We were not right together, and (as cliche as it is) everything really does happen for a reason.

I'm not going to lie: at first I did feel a bit of...hurt?  When we broke up, he told me that one of the primary reasons was because he didn't want to get married, and he knew that was important to me.  At first I was sad about this (duh), and then I was thankful; I do want to get married, and if he didn't, I'm glad we separated.  But now to see that he is getting married - to the girl he started dating almost immediately after the break-up - is just a little rough.  What was wrong with me?

Overall, though, I think their engagement just brought more of the same ol', same ol' questions to the surface, most notably, when is it my turn?

To end the little pity party I was having for myself this evening, I popped in my yoga DVD...
...and I felt all better - well, mostly all better...  The sharp pain in my chest every time I took a deep breath really hindered my workout, but emotionally I felt better.  :)  Yoga truly is a relaxing, rejuvenating, meditative practice.  I. LOVE. IT.

(By the way, have I mentioned how much I adore Bethenny Frankel?  We're Facebook friends :), I watch RHONY, I watch Bethenny Getting Married?, and I feel like she's like one of my best girl friends.  It's only natural that I follow her workout regime, too.)

And now to stop being a creepy stalker and get on to the rest of my day:

OMG.  Breakfast was amazing.  Remember how I said I hated overnight oats and could not believe how others loved them so much?  Okay - I was wrong.  I was just making them incorrectly.  The first time I made them, I mixed them with water and UVAB, just like I do when I make them in the morning.  THIS time, I mixed them with a Chobani Greek yogurt.  Observe:

Well, I guess they don't look amazing, but take my word for it: to. die. for.  I'm actually going to hurry up with this blog to make some more for tomorrow.  :)

I packed another full cooler for work today, not knowing just how long I'd be there:

Lunch was early today - 10:45.  Who eats lunch that early?!  This girl.  Every other day.  I ate the leftover orzo salad and was stuffed - after all, I had only recently filled up on overnight oats!  After school, I chowed down the grapes and the yogurt while organizing my lesson for tomorrow.  The rest will accompany me to school tomorrow - wasn't hungry for it all today, even though I didn't leave work until 5:00.

After I ran errands, arrived home, and did yoga, I heated up the last bit of orzo salad and ate it along with a warmed Flatout wrap:

And don't worry: I've been chugging my Nalgenes and taking my vitamins every day!  :)

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