
The Title

This isn't just a silly blog name: it does serve a purpose.  For several years I have wanted to get more tattoos: two swallows, similar to the ones in these photos:

Swallows are classic tattoos, often inked on sailors.  Swallows only fly so far from land, so when sailors spotted the birds, they knew they were close to home.

I love the symbolism of loyalty to home, and I will be getting two birds tattooed, one on the side of my left rib cage, and one on the side of my right.  The birds will be colored (even though my others are black) in my favorite color (purple), my mom's favorite color (green), and my dad's favorite color (blue).

Now the title symbolism: I will not be getting these tattoos until I have reasonably accomplished the majority of the goals for my 27th year.  Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.