Happy Monday!
Today started off with a delicious smoothie. I haven't had one forever and remembered quickly how much I loved 'em:
Please disregard the dying dead flowers in the background. |
In today's mix: frozen mango, peaches, and raspberries; vanilla protein powder, chia seeds, and
Because of all the frozen fruit, however, I had to wait awhile to drink it. My teeth are really sensitive to cold, and I don't like to eat freezing stuff super fast. So, I brought it to my first day of summer school and ate it while the kids were arriving.
During one of our breaks, I had the following snack:
Following summer school I went to the gym for a run; there's no way I was going to attempt it outside in this heat! I intended on doing three miles, but I stopped at 1.5 for a couple of reasons. First, I always run a lot faster on the treadmill than I do on the road. That being said, I think I still could have pushed myself further had it not been for reason number two: the massive blister on my right heel. I honestly had trouble putting my running shoes on because it hurt so badly, and then my gait was completely off due to the pain. I decided to take it a bit easy today so that I would be able to run my 8k on Saturday.
After the gym and a much-needed shower, I ate lunch:
A turkey and pepper-jack sandwich with a side of fresh fruit (watermelon, mango, cantaloupe, and strawberries). It was delish - and kept me full all afternoon.
After, I went to my co-worker's house and met her brand-new twins, and we worked on planning out our year; neither of us can believe how fast this summer has gone! We got quite a bit accomplished today and are planning on meeting a few times over the next couple of weeks, so hopefully all will be ready to go by August 25th!
I then came home to work on some articles for my freelance writing gig, finished those, and ate dinner.
I was really nervous about this meal because it was totally fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants. I cooked up some quinoa and added all of the veggies I could find: green peppers, onion, mushrooms, and garlic. I then worried it was going to be too bland, so I tossed it with my favorite condiment -
Rasta sauce. Seriously. If you don't already have this staple in your fridge, order some now.
It was a really good dinner, and surprisingly satisfying as I'm über full right now; I hope it lasts!
I had full intention of doing Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred this evening, but as it's nearing 8:00, I still have some work to do for school and for my grant,
and I have yet to sit down and do
nothing, I think I may put it off until tomorrow. We'll see how I feel as soon as I'm done with everything else.
On a completely different note, check out what came in the mail today!
Stella & Dot order! How adorable are the tiny jewelry boxes?! (Order from my sister-in-law, and you, too, can have 'em!) And look: when you open 'em up, they're
still cute!
Now, let me show off my goods:
This hippie-ish bracelet is totally my style. I have a feeling I will wear this just about every day.
I tried really hard to get a good picture of this bracelet on my wrist, but it just didn't happen. Trust me: it's absolutely rockin' with my skin tone.
I had to have these earrings. They weigh approximately nothing, and Aly said she wears them with absolutely everything, and I knew I would, too.
And check out the last two - these necklaces. I thought the arrow was so stinkin' cute, and the way Aly had it displayed was with this disk - this
sparkly disk. It looked so cute together, and I love the layered look, so even though it was expensive, I knew I had to have it.
And that, my friends, is the end of my jewelry spree.
See you tomorrow with a (hopefully) more productive work-out day!